Friday, February 24, 2012

Collapsed vertebra, which may at first ...

Osteoporosis lasix buy online is often called the silent disease. Appropriate bone loss usually occurs without symptoms. Because many people mistakenly believe that all disease causing symptoms.history of anabolic steroids As a result, they do not seek medical attention until the condition is far advanced. In the early stages of osteoporosis is usually no pain or other symptoms. Once the bones are weakened, you can have the following symptoms:

collapsed vertebra, which may initially be felt or seen as:

Loss of height over time, stoop (kyphosis). With normal aging, everyone has some loss of height. However, the loss of one inch or more significant and may indicate osteoporosis. A broken bone, for example, wrist or hip, because the bones become more brittle. It is sometimes the first symptom of osteoporosis. .

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