Friday, February 24, 2012

Acute or chronic disease may change endocrine function.


General is changing, some natural, some not, that may affect the endocrine system works. Some of the factors that affect the endocrine organs include aging, illness, stress, environment, and genetics. Despite the aging of age-related changes, the endocrine system works well in most older people. However, some changes occur because of damage to normal cells during aging and genetically programmed cell changes. These changes may affect the following:

hormone metabolism (how quickly excess hormones are destroyed and removed from the body, such as through urination)

rhythms in the body, such as menstrual cycle

example, increasing age is believed to be associated with the development of type II diabetes. With age, the reaction of target cells while slowing down, especially in people who may be at risk for this disease. Signs and symptoms of the endocrine system affects many body systems. In the elderly, they often subtle and may be harder to detect than in younger people. Occasionally these characters incorrectly associated with other factors such as changes in normal aging and other medical disorders or conditions or drug therapy. The aging process affects almost every cancer. For example, the hypothalamus is responsible buy lasix 40 mg for releasing hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland. During aging, the violation or secretion of some hormones of the hypothalamus or pituitary violation reactions. These changes obviously affect the ability of the endocrine system to respond to the internal environment. As a result, the body can not respond as well as any internal or external pressure. With age, the pituitary gland may become less and fibrous and can not work. For example, the production of growth hormone may be impaired. This can lead to imbalance of hormones, causing problems such as reduced muscle, decreased heart function and osteoporosis. Aging can affect the ovaries of women. These bodies will ultimately have the most common endocrine changes associated with aging: menopause. At menopause the ovaries no longer respond to follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone anterior pituitary. Ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone slows and then stops. After a woman ceases to have her period as a whole. Disease Disease can affect the function of the endocrine system in several ways. Acute or chronic disease may change endocrine function. Chronic / acute conditions hormones are removed from the blood in their appeal to the target tissue. Liver and kidney, primarily responsible for cleaning hormones. Some design processes are slowed or altered in people with chronic heart, liver, or kidneys. Acute physical or mental stress can cause programmed stress. Stress response is complex and can affect the heart, kidneys, liver and endocrine system function. Endocrine pathology in general, endocrine disease characterized by a hormonal imbalance or decreased secretion (nedovyroblennya) or hypersecretion (overproduction) of hormones. The main problem may be endocrine glands themselves or sources outside the gland. Stress Many factors may begin to stress response, but also physical stress is the most important. To the body to react and cope with the physical stress, the adrenal glands make more cortisol. If the adrenal glands do not, it can be life-threatening problems. Some important medical factors that cause stress reactions are:

Other stress include emotional, social or economic, but it does not require the body to produce high levels of cortisol to survive stress. External factors violate environmental endocrine (EED) is a substance outside the body that may cause adverse consequences for the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Some EEDs mimic natural hormone binding to receptors in target cells. These substances are beginning the same process between cells of the body that natural hormone starts. EEDs of this type is called hormone agonists. Other EEDs block cell events associated with hormone binding. These EEDs antagonists called hormones. However, other EEDs can directly influence the production, storage, release, transport, processing, binding, or elimination of endogenous hormones in the body. This can greatly affect the function of certain body systems. There are currently more than 84,000 commercial synthetic chemicals used around the world. At least 30,000 have been introduced in the U.S. Environmental since 1979. We do not know to what extent they may affect the endocrine system and cause disease of the endocrine system. Based on our knowledge of the effects of certain synthetic chemicals such as DDT, PCBs and dietilstilbestrol and more evidence that the reproductive function in wildlife and people change, scientists are now exploring a wide range of chemical exposures. neurological and behavioral changes, including reduction of stress resistance

Genetics part of your endocrine system may depend on genes. Genes units of hereditary information transmitted from parents to children. Genes contain instructions for producing proteins, which are among the main components of the body. Genes contained in the chromosomes. Normal number of chromosomes 46 (23 pairs). Sometimes extra, missing, altered or damaged chromosomes can lead to disease or conditions that affect hormone production or function. Twenty-third pair, for example, a pair of sex chromosomes. Mother and father each contribute child sex chromosomes. Girls have two X chromosomes (one from mother and one from the father), and the boys an X (mother) and one Y (from father) chromosome. Sometimes, however, chromosome or part of the chromosome may be missing. In Turner syndrome is only one normal X chromosome is present, and this can lead to lower growth. As another example, a child with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) may be missing all or part of chromosome 15, which also affects the growth, metabolism, and sexual maturation. Your genes can also put you at increased risk of certain diseases such as breast cancer. Taking estrogen can cause breast tissue to grow faster. Cancer usually appears in rapidly growing tissues. This is one way that scientists believe that taking estrogen for menopausal symptoms may be associated with breast cancer. Another idea is that breast tissue breaks down estrogen in the chemicals that can bind to DNA (genetic material) and damage it. DNA damage is a common cause of cancer. At the moment it is not known why estrogen can cause breast cancer or what role it plays in breast cancer growth. Cycles of hormone release time appears to affect the release of certain types of hormones. Some hormones have a typical picture of cycle release. This model often fits into the daily rhythms of the body and the sleep-wake anabolic steroids work Cortisol builds up early in the day, the evening falls, rises again to the end of sleep, and peaks in the morning. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) peaks during sleep and reaches its low point by 3:00 after the individual awakens. Levels of growth hormone (GH) high 90 minutes after sleep begins. GH typically increases during the first 2:00 of deep sleep. In addition, increases if a person is hypoglycemic (low blood sugar), starving, exercise, or disturbed is the victim of severe trauma. There is a definite rise and fall pattern as estrogen and progesterone activity during the menstrual cycle, which lasts an average of 28 days. . << >>

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